Heinz Schumann

University of Education (PH) Weingarten, Germany

For the Design

of a Computer integrating

Geometry curriculum

Paper presented in the Working Group for Action 11:

The Use of Technology in Mathematics Education

on the 9th International Congress on Matematical Education (ICME 9)

in TOKYO / Makuhari (July 31 - August 6, 2000)

Prof. Dr. habil. Heinz Schumann, Fakultät III, Mathematik/Informatik,

Institut für Bildungsinformatik

University of Education (PH) Weingarten, D-88250 Weingarten/Germany

Email: Schumann@PH-Weingarten.de,

Homepage: http://www.mathe-schumann.de

© 2000 by Heinz Schumann